Make Your Search Easy for Massage Therapist in Denver

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Applying deep tissue massage helps reduce tension and promotes general well-being. Specifically, it promotes a greater release of dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. Consequently, it can be applied as an antidote to stress and anxiety.

Relief in the event of an injury 

According to a publication in the Journal of Athletic Training, massage, Deep tissue massage, in particular, would appear to help treat the following types of injuries:

  • Tennis elbow.
  • Muscle contractures.
  • Low back pain.
  • Back pain.
  • Cervicalgia.

How is a deep tissue massage performed?

The first step in performing deep tissue massage is identifying the exact spot from which the pain originates. Once found, the specialist will ask the patient to lie face down or face up, depending on the treatment.

It all starts with a muscle warm-up sequence performed with light touches. After the adaptation phase, the slow kneading phase (with thumbs, knuckles, elbows, and forearms) and intense pressure – with wide margins of variations – begin to reach the desired depth.


According to a publication in the Journal of Athletic Training, massage relieves the inflammatory process and reduces pain due to muscle injuries. Deep tissue massage, in particular, would appear to help treat the following types of injuries:

  • Tennis elbow.
  • Muscle contractures.
  • Low back pain.
  • Back pain.
  • Cervicalgia.

Other Recommendation

If we want deep tissue massage to offer the benefits we have discussed, we should apply some guidelines. These are the following:

  • Deep hydration. Before the massage, it is necessary to drink enough water to prepare the muscle tissue for treatment and respond in the best way.
  • Plan a massage program. Establishing a massage session every 2 weeks will help the muscles stay healthy and prevent the appearance of muscle tension.
  • Look forward to moments of relaxation. After applying a deep tissue massage, it would be ideal to wait 12 hours before returning to training.

In this way, you can enjoy all benefits from a massage therapist in Denver without sudden stops or relapses.

Concluding Reflections on Deep Tissue Massage 

Deep tissue massage is contraindicated for pregnant women; specialist doctors may propose some minor changes to the technique, as appropriate. Also, people who have undergone recent surgery or have undergone courses of chemotherapy must first seek permission from medical personnel to proceed.

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